When is the Best Time to Plant a Tree?

by Ron Potter
Image source: subflux, Creative Commons

Image source: subflux, Creative Commons

I was having coffee this morning with an old dear friend. He has lived a life so rich and diverse and global that it would astound most people. He also has a heavenly view of this world that helps him see things in a simple framework that brings clarity to very complex issues. And yet he said to me today that he regrets career choices that he made many years ago and feels he missed (to some degree) not living as meaningful of a life as he could have. I must admit that I was shocked by his revelation but I also believe that on this topic he was in complete error.

Twenty Years Ago

I shared with him an old Chinese proverb (or at least my paraphrase of it): “When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago!

When is the 2nd Best Time?

My friend contemplated that statement and agreed he had “missed the boat” 20 years ago. But there is second part to the proverb, “When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today!” Just because you didn’t do it 20 years ago doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it today. In fact, a tree planted 20 years ago can be for your own pleasure, a tree planted today will likely bring pleasure to others.

One of the talents of my friend is his technical brilliance. He was teaching us about “Big data” and “cloud computing” before they even had names. And he has an incredible talent for explaining it in simplistic terms that the non-technical person understands.  This talent is needed today more than it was 20 years ago. I watch business leaders every day trying to understand the technical side of the business well enough to make good business decisions.

Now is the Time!

Whatever your passion and wherever you find it, now is the time to plant the tree. No regrets only learning.

Creativity coach Ericl Maisel says that when people asks “How can I find the meaning of life?” They’re asking a completely useless question. He says: “we have to construct meaning in our lives based on everyday choices.”

It’s your choice today. Plant that tree now or continue to regret not planting it 20 years ago.

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