The Death of Competition
Ron's Short Review: We're now seeing the business ecosystems emerge (think Apple vs Google vs Microsoft) that Moore was talking about ...

Beyond Reengineering
Ron's Short Review: One of the fathers of the reengineering movement taking us beyond the systems thinking movement into the importance ...

Leader’s Handbook
Ron's Short Review: More about management and execution than leadership but a good book none the less ...

Force for Change
Ron's Short Review: One of the first to distinguish the difference between leadership and management ...

Deep Change
Ron's Short Review: Very profound book on the need to change yourself before leading change with others. A great section on ...

Ron's Short Review: Credibility. Integrity. Lose either one and your ability to lead will be lost ...

Corporate Culture and Performance
Ron's Short Review: Kotter and Haskett are two of the best researchers and writers on corporate cultures ...

Management of the Absurd
Ron's Short Review: A little book recommended by a friend that is one of those real hidden gems. I highly recommend ...

High Flyers
Ron's Short Review: Good guidelines on leading and working with those exceptional performers ...

Finding Flow
Ron's Short Review: Recommended in Daniel Pink's book "Drive" about getting into the zone of great productivity and motivation ...

Emotional Intelligence
Ron's Short Review: There has never been any correlation found between IQ and success but complete correlation between EQ (or Emotional ...

Human Resource Champions
Ron's Short Review: Ulrich has been very involved and focused on the role of Human Resources ...

Managing at the Speed of Change
Ron's Short Review: A very good manual for dealing with change. He gives credibility to the dysfunctions that happen with change ...

Road Less Traveled
Ron's Short Review: "Life is difficult" is the opening sentence of this book. Those that try to lead a life assuming ...

A Passion for Excellence
Ron's Short Review: Continuation and enhancement of "In Search of Excellence." ...

Mastering Change
Ron's Short Review: Trust is the foundation of successfully dealing with change ...

Thriving on Chaos
Ron's Short Review: Maybe a bit before it's time. Peters is talking about the environment of perpetual change that we're experiencing ...

The Fifth Discipline
Ron's Short Review: This it still the "bible" of systems thinking even if it's taken us over 20 years to implement ...

In Search of Excellence
Ron's Short Review: This one started it all. Prior to this book there was no business section to be found in ...
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