How Children Succeed
Ron's Short Review: Written about child development but you can correlate child development learning to the corporate team environment pretty directly ...

Performing Under Pressure
Ron's Short Review: The subtitle says it all. Dispels most of the myths about performing under pressure and why some do ...

American Icon
Ron's Short Review: Outstanding book. Being from the Detroit area and working around the auto industry, I had heard most of ...

Einstein: His Life and Universe
Ron's Short Review: You need grit, fortitude and desire to finish this tome. But, if you really have a desire to ...

Dancing at the Edge
Ron's Short Review: Pretty good book on identifying the competencies and organizations in the future but ends up identifying the classical ...

Seeing What Others Don’t
Ron's Short Review: Assuming we need to continually foster insights in an ever changing world, Klein provides some good tips for ...

Nicely Said
Ron's Short Review: Many of my leadership clients are writing internal if not external blogs today ...

Strategic Storytelling
Ron's Short Review: Very good practical advice on presentation structure, content and style. Identified as Web writing but much of our ...

It’s Not All About “Me”
Ron's Short Review: Written by an FBI agent who's goal is to develop a relationship and gather information from people who ...

The Myth of the Garage
Ron's Short Review: This is actually a collections of articles that the Heath's wrote for Fast Company but it's a great ...

How to Make Sense of Any Mess
Ron's Short Review: "Messes are made of information and people." The concept of messiness is guiding me through my next book ...

The Small B!G
Ron's Short Review: The concept is that doing small things can lead to big results. But what a slog. I don't ...

Do the Work
Ron's Short Review: Great little motivational book for dealing with the fears of resistance and just doing the work that ...

Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich
Ron's Short Review: No, I'm not looking to get rich through advertising but in business we are constantly "selling" our ...

Humble Inquiry
Ron's Short Review: Edgar Schein is probably the father of Organizational Consulting. Great pitch for starting with humility ...

Second Machine Age
Ron's Short Review: Moving through the ages: agricultural, industrial, information and now the 2nd machine age. How are really smart ...

Integrity: The Courage to Face the Demands of Reality
Ron's Short Review: Dr. Cloud says great leaders have 3 great qualities: competency, team builders and the character not to ...

Talk Like TED
Ron's Short Review: Gallo also wrote "Presentation secrets of Steve Jobs" which I found very useful. Here he expands the ...

Top Brain, Bottom Brain
Ron's Short Review: We seem to be very aware of the right brain, left brain concept. This book gives us ...

Double your Profits: In Six Months or Less
Ron's Short Review: 1. Be the best. 2. Be a meritocracy. 3. We're here to make a profit. I'm not ...

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
Ron's Short Review: I read this for personal reasons to help me figure out a better electronic presence but there ...

Learn or Die
Ron's Short Review: Many organizations rely on getting better, faster, and cheaper, others rely on innovation to drive growth. Both ...

Give and Take
Ron's Short Review: Although Steve Jobs is never talked about, it help me understand his genius "taking" personality a bit ...

Flawless Consulting
Ron's Short Review:This was the first book I read when I made the decision to go into the consulting business ...

How to Twitter
Ron's Short Review: I know, Twitter? But we need to understand it beyond the social, celebrity use ...

Leaders Eat Last
Ron's Short Review: No organization has ever been managed out of a crises, they have all been led. Sinek brings ...

Evernote Essentials
Ron's Short Review: I'm always looking for ways to improve my productivity through technology. Evernote could be one way but ...
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