Bo’s Lasting Lessons
Ron's Short Review: Yes, you will enjoy this more if you’re a Michigan fan but Bo Schembechler was a great coach ...

Break Free of the Drama Triangle
Ron's Short Review: This was the second book I read this month on the topic of the Drama Triangle. This one ...

The Drama Triangle
Ron's Short Review: Old concept and old book but a great reminder of how people fall into the Drama Triangle (Persecutor, ...

A Failure of Nerve
Ron's Short Review: Maybe the most profound book I've read in a long time. Goes a long way in explaining the ...

The Coaching Habit
Ron's Short Review: The subtitle says it all: Change the way you lead forever! This quick, small book with seven ...

The Future Arrived Yesterday
Ron's Short Review: Great view of how our rapidly changing technology and expectations of the next generation of young people ...

How Adam Smith Can Change your Life
Ron's Short Review: In this book Roberts demonstrates how Adam Smith (our first real economist) believed there were two main ...

Think to Win
Ron's Short Review: Of the two books on Strategic thinking/planning I read this month (See The Rise and Fall of Strategic ...

The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
Ron's Short Review: I must admit that this was one of the few books that I couldn't slog through. I don't ...

Risk Savvy
Ron's Short Review: Does a great job of breaking out the types of risk, relative vs absolute, and the difference ...

Team of Teams
Ron's Short Review: General McChrystal really nails this one and helps us see why the ONLY way we'll experience success in ...

Content Inc.
Ron's Short Review: Written for entrepreneurs, but if any business doesn't think they're either in the entrepreneurial business or up against ...

Freedom’s Forge
Ron's Short Review: Fascinating story about how American industry responded to the needs of the UK, Russia and America at the ...

Team Genius
Ron's Short Review: Rich Karlgaard has become one of my favorite authors. He builds a great case for why the first ...

Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge
Ron's Short Review: Benjamin Tallmadge was George Washington's spy master during the revolutionary war. He wrote this as a memoir to ...

Patients Come Second
Ron's Short Review: This book is very medical community centric but the point they make reinforces what we know from many ...

Leadership is Half the Story
Ron's Short Review: This is a hidden gem. We all want to be good leaders but have you thought about the ...

A Curious Mind
Ron's Short Review: I just love the idea of curiosity and use it often to help myself and clients learn to ...

The Road to Character
Ron's Short Review: Even though David Brooks is an award winning NYT columnist, I wasn't expecting as much out of this ...

Return on Character
Ron's Short Review: Kiel does a really good job of answering the age old question, "Is there any Return on Investment ...

The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership
Ron's Short Review: "Classical wisdom for modern leaders." The authors do a great job of bringing in the essence and philosophy ...

The Advantage
Ron's Short Review: I've liked many of Lencioni's books but delayed digging into this one because I thought it might be ...

How to Write Short
Ron's Short Review: There is a lot in here for the professional blogger or journalist but with people from CEO's to ...

Pursuing God’s Will Together
Ron's Short Review: While this book was written for the Chrisian audience, the principles apply directly to any Leadership Team. You'll ...

The World is Flat
Ron's Short Review: This was a re-read for me. First published around 2007. Like many of these "observation of change" books, ...
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